Montag, 10. März 2014

Dr. Daniel Kruschinski

In successful treatment of Adhesion Related Disorder many things have to come together to have the best results for the patients.
It is a complete procedure with many important parts to care of and Dr. Kruschinski Daniel didnn´t only develop his own surgical procedure "Gasless Lift-Laparoscopy" he also optimizes the whole treatment by performing a second look surgery. Adhesions occur within the first 72 hours after surgery. Dr. Kruschinski did a lot of studies which are proving these results. By performing a second look surgery after 72 hours to 7 days after this surgery he can exclude the back growth of adhesions and if some should have occur they are able to be removed bluntly and very easy which means Dr. Daniel Kruschinski doensn´t have to cut them. Cutting can mean bleeding and bleeding causes new adhesions.

See some follow up images from the thousands of surgeries Dr. Daniel Kruschinski did. This documentation of his surgery results and follow ups is rare and unique in the field of Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis because nearly no other doctor or surgeon has the opportunity to record his work and success which Dr. Kruschinski Daniel has due to his outstanding procedure.

To see more follow this link:

Some images from the site linked above: you can see adhesions on the left pelvic brim during initial surgery with Dr. Daniel Kruschinski, the used adhesion barrier "blue Spray Shield" and the 2nd look after 7 days!

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